RappaTools 3 Quick Guide
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Every button / function can be assigned to a keyboard shortcut, custom toolbar, quad menu or used in your custom tool / interface. There are 380+ MacroScripts.
If you want to dock the interface just RightClick the title then choose Dock Left / Dock Right:

Special thanks to:
- Borislav Petrov 'Bobo'
- Carl-Mikael Lagnecrantz
- David Mackenzie 'Dave'
- Denis Trofimov 'denisT'
- Enrico Gullotti 'SyncViewS'
- Felix Joleanes
- James Kelly 'focomoso'
- Johan Boekhoven 'JHN'
- Josef Wienerroither 'spacefrog'
- Laszlo Sebo
- Marco Brunetta
- Marius Silaghi 'obliviboy'
- Neil Blevins 'soulburn3d'
- Paul Neale 'PEN'
- Pete Addington 'LoneRobot'
- Richard Annema 'ZeBoxx2'
- Rotem Shiffman 'lo'
- Shane Whitehead 'RustyKnight'
- Stefan Hahnlein 'toxis'
- Tim Jones
- Vojtech Cada 'Swordslayer'
Sub Object
When you click 'Sub Object' you will get an RCMenu with Sub Object Level functions.
- Click:
- Right Click:
- Constrains Menu.
- Middle Click:
- Repeat last button from the menu.
Support for EditPoly Modifier. Convert to * works with UnwrapUVW modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.SubObjectMenufunc() ; RappaTools3.EPolyMenufunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.SubObjectMenufunc click:true/false
Smart Loop selection for all SubObjectLevels.
- +Ctrl:
- Loop + ChamferDialog (vertex,edge), BevelDialog (poly).
- +Shift:
- Loop then ChamferMode (vertex,edge), BevelMode (poly).
- +Alt:
- ChamferDialog (vertex,edge), BevelDialog(poly).

Support for EditPoly and UnwrapUVW Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.Loopfunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.Loopfunc ctrl:true/false shift:true/false alt:true/false
Smart Ring selection for all SubObjectLevels.
- +Ctrl:
- Ring + ChamferDialog (vertex), ConnectDialog (edge), BevelDialog (poly).
- +Shift:
- Ring then ChamferMode (vertex), Connect (edge), BevelMode (poly).
- +Alt:
- ChamferDialog (vertex), ConnectDialog (edge), BevelDialog(poly).

Support for EditPoly and UnwrapUVW Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.Ringfunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.Ringfunc ctrl:true/false shift:true/false alt:true/false ringEdges:true/false
Grow Selection

Grow Selection in current SubObjectLevels.
- Click:
- Grow Selection.
- +Ctrl:
- Grow Loop.
- +Shift:
- Grow Ring.
- +Alt:
- Random Grow Selection.
- Right Click:
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).
Support for EditPoly and UnwrapUVW Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.GrowSelfunc(); RappaTools3.GrowSelMenufunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.GrowSelfunc alt:true/false selLevel:1..5; RappaTools3.GrowSelMenufunc click:true/false
Support for EditPoly and UnwrapUVW Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.GrowLoopfunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.GrowLoopfunc ctrl:true/false selLevel:1..5
Support for EditPoly and UnwrapUVW Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.GrowRingfunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.GrowRingfunc ctrl:true/false selLevel:1..5
Shrink Selection

Shrink Selection in current SubObjectLevels.
- Click:
- Shrink Selection.
- +Ctrl:
- Shrink Loop.
- +Shift:
- Shrink Ring.
- +Alt:
- Random Shrink Selection.
- Right Click:
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).
Support for EditPoly and UnwrapUVW Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.ShrinkSelfunc(); RappaTools3.ShrinkSelMenufunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.ShrinkSelfunc alt:true/false selLevel:1..5; RappaTools3.ShrinkSelMenufunc click:true/false
Support for EditPoly and UnwrapUVW Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.ShrinkLoopfunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.ShrinkLoopfunc ctrl:true/false selLevel:1..5
Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.ShrinkRingfunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.ShrinkRingfunc ctrl:true/false selLevel:1..5
Multi Hide
Multi Hide selected faces.
- Click:
- Partial selection:
- Hide.
- All visible selected:
- Invert.
- Empty selection:
- Unhide.

Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.MultiHidefunc()
Dot Loop
Select loops with user-defined gaps for all SubObjectLevels.
- Click:
- Dot Loop.
- +Alt:
- Opposite Loop.
- +Shift:
- Dot Edge Ring.
- Right Click:

Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.DotLoopfunc(); RappaTools3.sDotLoopWin()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.DotLoopfunc shift:true/false alt:true/false selLevel:1..5
+ Save
Save current SubObjectLevel Selection for later use.
- Click:
- -Current Selection: Remove Current Selection from the saved selection.
- -Saved Selection: Remove Saved Selection from the current selection.
- *Intersection: Intersection between the current selection and saved selection.
- +Save: Add current sub selection to the Memory.
- +Clean Save: Replace previous saved selection with the current one.
- Restore Selection: Select sub selection from Memory.
- Clear Saved: Clear saved sub selction.
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).

Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.SaveSelMenufunc(); RappaTools3.SaveSelfunc(); RappaTools3.SaveSubSelfunc() --no clear; RappaTools3.ClearSubSelfunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.SaveSelfunc ctrl:true/false shift:true/false alt:true/false selLevel:1..5
Select similar SubObject elements to the selected ones.
- Click:
- SubObjectMode: Select Similar elements.
- Object Mode: Select instances.
- +Ctrl:
- Select Same elements.
- +Shift:
- Select Identical Polygons.
- +Alt:
- Select alternate Instances.
- Right Click:
- Select Non Quad Polygons.
- Right Click + Ctrl:
- Select Triangle Polygons.
- Right Click + Shift:
- Select Polygons that have more than 4 sides.

Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.Similarfunc() ; RappaTools3.NonQuadfunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.Similarfunc ctrl:true/false shift:true/false alt:true/false selLevel:1..5
adv.fn: RappaTools3.NonQuadfunc ctrl:true/false shift:true/false
Adjacent selection in current SubObjectLevels.
- Click:
- Select Adjacent.
- Right Click:
- Vertex: Select the adjacent vertices (also works when in other subObjectLevel).
- Edge: Select the adjacent edges (also works when in other subObjectLevel).
- Faces: Select the adjacent faces (also works when in other subObjectLevel).
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).

Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.Adjacentfunc() ; RappaTools3.AdjacentMenufunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.Adjacentfunc selLevel:1..5
Fill / Hole
Fill area between selection.
- Click:
- Fill Hole: Fill an enclosed area.
- Fill: Fill the area between 2 faces.
- Fill Ring: Fill a ringed selection between selection.
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).

Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.FillHoleMenufunc(); RappaTools3.FillFillHolefunc(); RappaTools3.Fillfunc(); RappaTools3.FillHolefunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.FillFillHolefunc ctrl:true/false shift:true/false selLevel:1..5
Select Half
Select half the subobject elements in the specified axis based on the location of the objects pivot.
- Click:
- Select Half on X.
- Use +Alt to invert.
- +Ctrl:
- SelectHalf on Y.
- Use +Alt to invert.
- +Shift:
- SelectHalf on Z.
- Use +Alt to invert.
- +Alt:
- Invert.

Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.SelectHalffunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.SelectHalffunc ctrl:true/false shift:true/false alt:true/false
Material ID
- Click:
- Set ID: Set Material ID to selection or entire Mesh is no face is selected.
- Get: Get the Material ID from the selected face.
- Select by ID: Select the faces that have the specified Material ID.
- +: Add to selection the faces with the specified Material ID.
- Random Material ID: Random Material ID to the selected faces or Objects.
- Set Obj ID: Assign Object ID to selected objects.
- Get: Get the Object ID from the selected object.
- Sel by Obj ID: Selected the Objects with the specified Object ID.
- +: Add to selection the Objects with the specified Object ID.
- Random Object ID: Assign random Object ID to selected Objects.

Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.sMaterialIdWin()
Editable Poly
Convert selection to an EditablePoly object.
- Click:
- Convert selection to Editable Poly. (It will auto disable Isoline Display on objects with TurboSmooth)
- +Ctrl:
- Convert selection to Editable Poly then move to the center of the scene!
- +Alt:
- Deselect Object, even if in sub object level.
- Right Click:
- Reset XForm: Reset XForm then convert to Editable Poly.
- Reset XForm + FlipN: Reset XForm then convert to Editable Poly with Fliped Normals.
- Copy Replace: Quickly Replace selected objects with a copy of the first object.
- Instance Replace: Quickly Replace selected objects with an instance of the first object.
- Referance Replace: Quickly Replace selected objects with an referance of the first object.
- Shuffle: Change selected objects between them.
- Inbetween Instances: Instance the first selected object between 2 or multiple selected objects OR Instance the object on a spline (first select the object then the spline).
- Offset Instances: Instace selection on an axis.
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).

fn: RappaTools3.MePolyfunc(); RappaTools3.MakePolyMenufunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.MePolyfunc ctrl:true/false alt:true/false
Objects Actions
Convert selection to an EditablePoly object.
- Click:
- World (0,0,0): Takes the selected obj in the center of the scene [0,0,0].
- On Ground: Make the Objects touch the ground (bottom on ground).
- Group to Center: Move group selection to [0,0,0].
- One Object: Make the selected objects as one.
- Explode Object: Detach subobject elements.
- Detach Selection: Detach to element.
- Break Selection: Detach selected polygons.
- Union: Quick Union selected objects usign Pro Boolean.
- Subtract: Quick Subtract the first selected object usign Pro Boolean.
- Center Pivot: Place the pivot at the center of the object or subObjectSelection.
- Bottom Pivot: Place pivot at the bottom of the object/objects.
- Place Pivot At: Pick pivot new position.
- Center Bottom Pivot: Center Pivot then place it at the bottom.
- Unify Normals: Open UnifyNormalsUI so you can Automatically Unify the polygons Normals.
- Quadrify: Remove triangulation in model.
- Right Click:
- Toggle Working Pivot.
- It will Align the Working Pivot to the sub Object selection or selection with a single click.
- Compatible with EditablePoly, EditPoly, EditableMesh, EditableSplines and Lines.
- Right Click + Shift:
- Place Working Pivot At (pick point). If Working Pivot is activated is will use the current direction.
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).

fn: RappaTools3.ObjectsActionsMenufunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.ObjectsActionsMenufunc click:true/false
Mirror X Y Z
Mirror on X Y Z axis SubObject Element or Object.
- Click:
- Mirror X: Mirror Objects/Polygons/Elements on X axis.
- Mirror X Copy: Mirror Objects/Polygons/Elements on X axis as copy.
- Mirror X Local: Mirror Objects/Polygons/Elements on local X axis.
- Mirror XY Local: Mirror Objects/Polygons/Elements on local XY axis.
- Mirror X World: Mirror Objects/Polygons/Elements relative to the world on X axis.
- Mirror X World Copy: Mirror Objects/Polygons/Elements Copy relative to the world on X axis.
- Mirror X Instance: Mirror Objects on X axis as instance, and Polygons / Elements relative to selection center on X.
- Mirror X World Instance: Mirror Objects on X axis as instance relative to World.
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).

fn: RappaTools3.MirrorXfunc(); RappaTools3.MirrorMenufunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.MirrorXfunc ctrl:true/false shift:true/false selLevel:1..5
Flow Connect
Insert Loop and automatically position the created edges with the surrounding flow of the mesh topology.
- Click:
- RingFlowConnect: Insert Loop and automatically position the created edges with the surrounding flow of the mesh topology.
- +Ctrl:
- Flow Connect.
- +Shift:
- Limited Ring Flow Connect.
- +Ctrl+Shift:
- Loop Adjust Flow.
- +Ctrl+Shift+Alt:
- Adjust Flow.

Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.FlowConnectfunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.FlowConnectfunc ctrl:true/false shift:true/false alt:true/false selLevel:1..5
Ring Connect
Ring Connect Tool.
- Click:
- VertexMode:
- Two verts selected connects them.
- EdgeMode:
- One or more edges selected it will try to Bridge if not it will Ring then Connect. (partial ring where it applies)
- + Ctrl: Do not ring select before connecting.
- + Shift: Open ConnectDialog instead of connecting.
- BorderMode:
- Cap.
- PolyMode:
- One Face selected will bevel.
- Two or more RingConnect.
- Default:
- Enters cut mode.
- Right Click:
- Change Ring Connect Segments.

Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.RingConnectfunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.RingConnectfunc ctrl:true/false shift:true/false selLevel:1..5
Chamfer OP
Chamfer Operator.

Co-Author: Marius Silaghi.
fn: RappaTools3.ChamferOpUI() ; RappaTools3.maxUnChamfer()
Slide Edge Loop.
- Click:
- Slide the edge loop.
- +Ctrl:
- Don't loop through selection then slide.
- +Shift:
- Connect Slide.
- +Ctrl+Shift:
- Connect Slide Push.

fn: RappaTools3.Slidefunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.Slidefunc ctrl:true/false shift:true/false selLevel:1..5
Push current selection along its normal for all SubObjectLevels.
- Click:
- Push current selection along its normal for all SubObjectLevels.
- +Ctrl:
- Loop then push.
- +Shift:
- Ring Connect then push.

fn: RappaTools3.Pushfunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.Pushfunc ctrl:true/false shift:true/false selLevel:1..5
Quick Tools
Some Tools to speed up the workflow.
- Click:
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).
activeGrid : The same as the work plane in modo with a few extra functions such as Move 2 Grid, Drop on Grid and Move On Grid.
quickTopo : Everything you need in one place for retopology work. Realtime WRAP allows you to use any tool while doing retopo work, for example shift edge extend...
gridDeform : Allows you to deform an object based on the current view, great for animation... the changes are applied as a morpher object or to and edit poly modifier.
Geo Edge : Average Edge Length... When you select 1 vert from the edge it will scale it from that vert.
Geo Poly : Create a perfect geometric shape from a polygon.
Geo Outline : Create a perfect geometric outline or an Arc. For the arc tool you can use working pivot for the arcs direction. For the outline you can select an vert or two from the circle to predifine the radius and rotation.
Create Polygon : Create a polygon from the current selection. When inner verts are selected it will connect them. When inner edges are selected it will divide them. To force create a face select the verts instead of edges.
Spin Edge : Spin the edge or change the poly flow.

fn: RappaTools3.QuickToolsMenufunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.QuickToolsMenufunc click:true/false
Bridge selection in current SubObjectLevels.
- Click:
- Bridge.
- +Ctrl:
- AutoConnect Bridge.
- +Ctrl +Alt:
- Round AutoConnect Bridge.
- +Shift:
- SmartQuads / QuadsExtend.
- +Shift +Alt:
- SmartQuads / QuadsExtend without Auto Weld.
- Right Click:
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).

Limited Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.Bridgefunc(); RappaTools3.SplineBridgefunc(); RappaTools3.BridgeMenufunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.Bridgefunc ctrl:true/false shift:true/false selLevel:1..5
Make selection planar.
- Click:
- Make Planar (if edge selection then per edge loop mode for x,y,z).
- The button is divided in 4 parts, if you press on the y you get Make Planar on Y axis.
- +Ctrl:
- Default 3ds Max Make Planar (no per edge loop).
- Right Click:
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).

Limited Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.makePlanarfunc() ; RappaTools3.PlanarMenufunc()
fn: RappaTools3.makePlanarXfunc() ; RappaTools3.makePlanarYfunc() ; RappaTools3.makePlanarZfunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.makePlanarXfunc ctrl:true/false
Relax current selection for all SubObjectLevels or objects.
- Click:
- Relax: verts, edges, polys, objects.
- +Alt:
- Smart Relax.
- +Shift:
- Relax Loop.
- +Ctrl:
- Smooth Loop.
- +Ctrl+Alt:
- Space Out Smooth Loop.
- +Ctrl+Shift:
- Hard Relax.
- +Ctrl+Shift+Alt:
- Relax without holding boundry points.
- Right Click:
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).

Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.Relaxfunc(); RappaTools3.RelaxMenufunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.Relaxfunc ctrl:true/false shift:true/false alt:true/false
Remove loops/ring and dissolve.
- Click:
- Remove Loop: Remove vert/edge/poly loop.
- Remove Ring: Remove sub object ring.
- Dissolve Polygon: Remove the inner elements on the poly group selection.
- Dissolve Inner Rings: Remove the inner ring edges from the poly group.
- Dissolve Inner Loops: Remove the inner loop edges from the poly group.
- Right Click:
- Remove selected subobject.
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).

Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.RemoveMenufunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.RemoveMenufunc click:true/false
Smoothing Groups
Auto Smoothing Groups.
- Click:
- Auto Smoothing Groups.
- +Ctrl:
- Auto SmoothingGroups threshold:180.
- Right Click:
- Clear All Smoothing Groups.

Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.AutoSGsfunc(); RappaTools3.ClearAllSGsfunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.AutoSGsfunc ctrl:true/false selLevel:1..5; RappaTools3.ClearAllSGsfunc selLevel:1..5
Loop Tools
Loop Tools.
- Click:
- PlanarLoop #X: Straighten the edge loop just on X axis.
- PlanarLoop #Z: Straighten the edge loop just on Z axis.
- Straight Loop: Make the edge loop straight.
- Space Loop: Equally distribute the verts on the edge loop.
- Curve Loop: Smooth edge loops following the selected verts on the loop.
- Circle Loop: Turn edge loops into circles.
- Relax Loop: Smooth out the edge loop.
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).

Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.LoopToolsfunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.LoopToolsfunc click:true/false
Verts Tools
Verts Tools.
- Click:
- InsertVerts: Insert Verts in the middle of the edges or outside of the poly selection.
- Clean Verts: Remove useless verts on edges, works with multiple objects and sub selection.
- Weld Verts: Weld Verts closeby verts, works with multiple objects and sub selection.
- Spline Refine: Change the number of knots while maintaining the curevature of the spline.
- Right Click:
- Collapse.

Support for EditPoly Modifier.
fn: RappaTools3.eVertsToolsWin()
Move 2 Grid
Move 2 Grid.
- Click:
- Move 2 Grid
- +Ctrl:
- Element Align
- +Shift:
- Rotate 2 Grid
- +Alt:
- Pivot as Center.
- +Ctrl+Alt:
- Element Align to Pivot.
- +Ctrl+Shift:
- Rotate 2 Grid all Elements.
- Right Click:
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).

Support for Editable Poly, Editable Mesh, Edit Poly and Splines.
fn: RappaTools3.move2grid(), RappaTools3.GridMenufunc(), RappaTools3.moveOnGrid()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.move2grid ctr:true/false shift:true/false alt:true/false mtx:(matrix3 1)
adv.fn: RappaTools3.GridMenufunc click:true/false
Move 2 Points
Move 2 Points.
- Click:
Move 2 Points Tool.
- object/s selected
- (1 point): Move to the point.
- (2 points): Move from point to point.
- (3 points): Planar rotate snap.
- sub object level mode
- (1 point): Move to the point.
- (2 points): Align along line.
- (3 points): 3 point align.
- Ctrl + Click:
- In subObjectMode when one point is selected move to it on all axis.
- Right Click:
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).
Move2Point: Uses the active axis constraints for axis. +ctrl to ignore the axis constrain.

Support for Editable Poly, Editable Mesh, Edit Poly and Splines.
fn: RappaTools3.move2pointfunc() ; ::RappaTools3.AlignMenufunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.move2pointfunc click:true/false ; RappaTools3.AlignMenufunc click:true/false
Copy / Paste
Copy or Paste objects, object transform and materials.
- Click:
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).
Copy Objects: Lets you copy objects from a scene to another, or max instance.
Copy Transform: Lets you copy objects position from a scene to another.
Copy Material: Lets you copy objects position from a scene to another, or max instance.
You can change the temp path for Objects/Materials to a network path. By doing that you can copy from a pc to another.
fn: RappaTools3.CopyPasteMenufunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.CopyPasteMenufunc click:true/false
Add modifier
Add Modifier.
- Click:
- Right Click:
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).
fn: RappaTools3.AddModifierMenufunc(); RappaTools3.TSchangeUI()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.AddModifierMenufunc click:true/false
Quick Create
Quick Create.
- Click:
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).
fn: RappaTools3.QuickCreateMenufunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.QuickCreateMenufunc click:true/false
Cams & Lights
Cams & Lights.
- Click:
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).
If you click 'VrayPhysicalCam' while holding Ctrl it will create a VrayPhysicalCam from the viewport (like Ctrl+C).
fn: RappaTools3.CamLightsMenufunc() ; RappaTools3.vrayCameraFromView()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.CamLightsMenufunc click:true/false
View Tools
View Tools.
- Click:
- Perspective: Switch to Perspective view.
- Save View: Save the current viewport position.
- Load View: Restore saved viewport position.
- Display as Box: Show current selection as box.
- Dont Display as Box: Disable display as box to current selection.
- Toggle Maps: Toggle show material textures in viewport.
- Toggle HW Maps: Toggle show hardware material textures in viewport.
- Reload all Bitmaps: Reload the scene textures.
- Time Slider: Time Slider tool.
- Silhouette View: Toggle Global Light so you can check the silhouette.
- Viewport Layout: Open Viewport Layout window with viewports layouts.
- View Blueprint: Add a blueprint for the current view direction.
- Remove Background: Remove viewport background.
- Reset View + Restore Max: Light restore max when viewport is stuck.
- Hard Reset + Restore Max: Hard restore max when viewport is stuck.
- Right Click:
- Perspective: Switch current viewport to perspective view.
- Save: Save Current Viewport Position.
- Load: Load Saved Wiewport Position.
- Gradient BG: Assign gradient background.
- Gradient BG + Ctrl: Assign gradient background 2.
- Gradient BG + Shift: Remove background.
- ToggleMapsinView: Toggle Maps display in Viewport.
- ToggleMapsinView + Ctrl: Toggle Hardware Maps display in Viewport.
- Reload all Bitmaps: Reload the scene bitmaps.
- Time Slider: Quick time slider change inside viewport.
- Silhouette: Toggle Silhouette View.
- Ctrl + View(Top, Left...): Create Blueprint for that viewport.
- Viewport Layout: Quickly change the viewport layout.
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).

fn: RappaTools3.ViewToolsMenufunc(); RappaTools3.eViewportWin()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.ViewToolsMenufunc click:true/false
- Click:
- Right Click:
- to M.E.: Grab material from object to Material Editor Slot.
- to Slate: Grab material from object to Slate Material Editor.
- Assign from M.E.: Assign to selection the selected Medit Materail Slot.
- Remove: Remove material from selected objects.
- Remove + Ctrl: Remove the material from all the object in the scene.
- Remove + Shift: Remove Viewport Backfround Image.
- Wire: Shaded Wire Material.
- Wire + Ctrl: Assign a Gradient Environment Map.
- Matte: Assign Matte/Shadow material.
- Random Material: Random Material to Selection.
- Random Material + Ctrl: Random material to all the object in the scene.
- Random Material + Shift: Different Random Material for every object in the Selection.
- Random Wire Color: Random Wire Color to selection.
- Random Wire Color + Ctrl: Different Wire Color for every object in the Selection.
- RandomWScene: Random Wire Color for every object in the Scene.
- Copy Material: Copy Material from selection.
- Copy Material + Ctrl: Copy Material from the selected Material Slot.
- Paste Material: Paste Material to Selection.
- Paste Material + Ctrl: Paste Material to the selected Material Slot.
- Paste Material + Shift: Paste Material to Selection and Material Slot.
- Make Multi Material: Make Multi Material from Selection.
- Make Multi Material + Ctrl: Make MultiMaterial from the images inside a folder.
- Make Multi Material + Ctrl + Shift: MultiMaterial from images inside a Folder and SubFolders.
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).
fn: RappaTools3.MaterialsMenufunc(); RappaTools3.eMaterialsWin()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.MaterialsMenufunc click:true/false
- Click:
- Right Click:
- Render: Render Scene.
- RightCick Render: Open Render Setup Window.
- 25 %: Render at 1/3 of the current size.
- RightCick 25 %: Open Environment and Effects Window.
- 50 %: Render at half or the current size.
- RightCick 50 %: Open Material Editor Window.
- Render %: Render at % of the current size.
- Show Last Render: Show last render (also works with V-Ray Frame Buffer).
- View File: Display a local image.
- clip: Display the image inside the clipboard.
- Object Render: Render only the Selected objects.
- Map View: Preview Map on the object.
- Middle Click:
- Last button from the menu (do last).
fn: RappaTools3.RenderMenufunc(); RappaTools3.eRenderWin()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.RenderMenufunc click:true/false
Isolation Mode
Isolation Mode.
- Click:
- Hide/Unhide unselected objects.
- Right Click:
- Lock/Unlock Selection movement.
fn: RappaTools3.IsolationModefunc(); RappaTools3.LockSelectionfunc()
Expert Mode
Expert Mode.
- Click:
- Enter Complete Expert Mode.
- +Alt:
- Toggle Menu Bar.
- +Ctrl:
- Toggle Command Panel.
- +Shift:
- Toggle Status Bar.
- Ctrl + Shift:
- UVW Edit Layout Mode.
- Ctrl + Alt:
- Toggle Tweak Mode On/Off.
- RightClick:
- Toggle Edge Selected.
fn: RappaTools3.ExpertModefunc()
adv.fn: RappaTools3.ExpertModefunc ctrl:true/false shift:true/false alt:true/false
- Click:
- Random Sel: Random Select vertices, edges, polygons, objects.
- Delete %: Delete % of the selected objects.
- Chunks: Slice objects in pieces.
- GrowStruct: Create a grow structure.
- Shuffle: Randomly swap selected objects between them.
- Facade: It will replace every polygon of the position obj with the facade obj.
- Facade + Ctrl: Replace but align polygons to the face.
- Facade + Shift: Repalce only faces with materialId = 313.
- Snow: Make Snow on selected objects. (RightClick: Edit Snow Settings.)
- CamShake: Create a Camera with a shake at the current frame.
- Right Click:
Viewport Stats: Show selections statistics in the viewport. (Editable_Poly/Edit_Poly/UnwrapUVW/Splines)
Show Tris Count: Show Tris count for selection or visible scene objects (Viewport Stats has to be enabled).
Toggle Time Slider: The trackbar and the time slider will be toggled on/off.
Toggle Status Bar: The status bar will be toggled on/off.
Change Max Priority: Toggle max priority to normal or low.
Stationary Caddy: Will make the Caddys always apeare in the same place.
Minimal UI: Toggle the QuickAccessToolBar and InfoCenterToolBar.
Minimal UI Light: Toggle the InfoCenterToolBar.
RappaTools3 will restore the last settings of the toggles when opening 3ds Max.
fn: RappaTools3.eToolsWin(); RappaTools3.ToolsMenufunc()
Random Fly
Randomize the pozition, rotation and scale of the objects. Also you can quick rotate them.
- Click:
- <: Spin to the Left on X / Y / Z axis.
- < + Shift: Spin to the Left on X / Y / Z local axis.
- < + Ctrl: Place Pivot on the X/Y/Z Mix Axis.
- < + Ctrl + Shift: Place Pivot and Align.
- X / Y / Z: Random Spin on X/Y/Z axis.
- X / Y / Z + Ctrl: Random Spin on X/Y/Z local axis.
- X / Y / Z + RightClick: Zero on X/Y/Z axis.
- >: Spin to the Right on X / Y / Z axis.
- > + Shift: Spin to the Right on X / Y / Z local axis.
- > + Ctrl: Place Pivot on the X/Y/Z Max Axis.
- > + Ctrl + Shift: Place Pivot and Align.
- Copy (P): Copy Position.
- Paste (P): Paste Position.
- Copy (R): Copy Rotation.
- Paste (R): Paste Rotation.
- Copy (S): Paste Scale.
- Paste (S): Paste Scale.
- Absolute: Absolute Random Position. In Sub Object Level it uses object center.
- Relative: Relative Random Position. In Sub Object Level it uses selection center (you can also use working pivot).

fn: RappaTools3.oRandomFlyWin()