3.562 (1675)
- Added to alignhelper support for ctrl + shift + alt at the same time.
- Added shift for scale multiplier when vert selected to GeoEdge.
- Added support for 3ds Max 2025.
- Fixed the need to have the clipboard history disabled.
- Fixes and improvements.
3.56 (1675)
- Added to settings TurboSmooth seetings and favorite modifiers.
- Improvements to Interface 1 and 2.
- Added Break and Detach as Clone.
- Added Vray and Corona cams/ligts when the respective render is assigned.
- Fixes and improvements.
3.55 (1665)
- Updated the hotbox, with extra functions, settings and tooltips to the buttons. e.g. open on last button...
- Added to quick primitive create on selection if something is selected (works with sub objects elements).
- Added support to planar x/y/z for objects so you can quickly align them based on the pivot or the bounding box.
- Added Align Helper, store the position of objects in relation to a reference object in order to replicate the setup on other objects.
- Added generate multimat from faces material ids.
- Added explode by material or material id.
- Added merge by material or material id and multimaterial collapse.
- Added remove missing textures from materials.
- Added show mouse count option to Viewport Stats (show SubObj count next to the mouse, id if only one sub element selected).
- Loop/Ring won't loop/ring previous partial loops/rings if new one is selected.
- Added support for Slice Plane to Move2Point (when SlicePlane mode is active it will position the plane).
- Rewrote Dissolve, ArcEdge, RingConnect edge mode so it deosn't create a romb at intersections.
- Added to Union/Subtract the ability to keep the modifiers and also disable modifiers before boolean.
- Added 3 points alignment to activeGrid.
- Added to view blueprint and view image support for clipboard image.
- Added select objects with the current modifier or instances to Similar.
- Added view selection textures, open all the textures assigned to selection.
- Added support to Unwrap UVW modifier to smart toggles (move, rotate, scale) also added activeGrid if activated.
- Added support for Skin to Loop, Ring, Grow and Shrink.
- Added support for Edit_Normals to sub Objects toggles.
- Added support for EditPoly modifier to Push / Slide.
- Added SmartViewport toggle, double tap to snap view to the closest orthographic-ish view.
- Added ctrl to Working Pivot to enable previous position.
- Added new macroscripts including 'open last menu', display toggles...
- MultiHide is now 'Sub Obj Iso' hides unselected (can be changed in Settings to hide selected SubObj).
- The usual improvements and bug fixing.
3.41 (1605)
- Added repeat last.
- Improved Paste Material, also added undo.
- Rewrote Material ID functions.
3.4 (1600)
- Added support for Verts, Edges, Faces, Elements to RandomFly (each sub mode works in a different way).
- Added Arc Tool to GeoOutline which is now a tool.
- Added support for Splines to One Object, Explode Object, Detach Selection and Break Selection (also way faster than before).
- Added extra functions to Move 2 Point such as planar rotate snap, move from point 2 point.
- Added viewBlueprint so you can quickly add an image plane for the current view, they also move back so they don't intersect with each other.
- Added support to CleanVerts and WeldVerts for subObjSelection.
- Added support for EditPoly modifier to RandomSelect, RemveLoop, RemoveRing.
- Added to WorkingPivot +shift to place the working pivot, when already active it keeps the direction.
- Improved MakeMultiMaterial, collapse isn't required anymore, also from folder uses vray materials if it's assigned.
- Improved Multi Hide, partial selection = hide, empty selection = unhide, all visible selected = invert.
- GeoEdge is now a tool allowing to change the edge length on the fly.
- Improved Create Polygon, also now it works with one edge selected (blender fill style) and inner verts are connected, inner edges are divided.
- Improved Smart Toggles, and Sub Object Level toggles is more aware of the modifiers.
- Improved CopyReplace, SetObjectHeight and VrayCameraFromView.
- Improved Copy / Paste Material, it uses the scene material if the same.
- RappaTools3 Quad Menu now can be assigned to either ctrl+shfit or ctrl+shift+alt.
- Added Delete Empty Layers, toggles for display color, vertex color and shade vertex color.
- Added RappaTools3 Menu and 2 extra HotBoxes.
- Added Clean Arch Models to Unify Normals UI.
- Various improvements and optimisations.
3.32 (1585)
- Added multiple options in the Settings window.
- Added Make Planar buttons to Mini UI and Interface 1.
- Added to IncrementSelect (IncrSel) nudge UV selection when in UnwrapUVW modifier.
- quickTopo now works with just highpoly picked, lowpoly obj still needs to be picked for Realtime WRAP.
- Various tweaks and improvements.
3.31 (1570)
- SetID and Select by ID from MaterialID window now works even if you have a modifer selected.
- Fixed QuadMenu.
- Fixed ViewportStats bug where it counted tris from objects in a hidden layer.
- Fixed ViewportStats bug preventing animation from playing.
3.3 (1567)
- Added Viewport Stats.
- Added to move2grid shift for Align 2 Grid also alt for object pivot center instead of world grid center [0,0,0].
- Added Inbetween Instances Tool.
- Added Offset Instances Tool.
- Added Smooth Loop to Relax.
- Added Unify Normals Tool.
- Added Load Material Library into Slate Material Editor.
- Added local mirror to Mirror X/Y/Z and improved the old mirror features.
- MiniInterface buttons are now generated based on the 3ds Max UI Colors.
- Move2Point now uses Transform Gizmo Constraint for axis.
- Added EPoly Constrains Menu to Sub Object button (rightclick).
- Added macroscripts for Increment Selection.
- Added Auto Weld to Quads Extend (SmartQuads).
- Added Snap to KeyFrames to Time Slider (Shift).
- Added to MakePlanarXYZ per edge Loop mode as default, ctrl for regular mode.
- Added support for Elements to RandomSelect.
- Added Spin on local axis and Zero X,Y,Z roation to RandomFly.
- Added to Similar select alternate instances select.
- Added more options for Object ID to Material ID window.
- Added to NonQuad ctrl for Triangles and shift for faces that have more than 4 sides.
- Improved Loop / Ring, AutoConnectBridge, Mirror X/Y/Z, WorkingPivot, CenterPivot and Edge RingConnect.
- Added support for EditPoly to SubObject, Loop, Ring, PlanarLoop, Relax and SmoothingGroups (AutoSmooth).
- Added support for EditPoly, EditableMesh and Splines to GetSetPointPos.
- Added support for EditPoly to Chamfer, Extrude, Inset, Cut and TargetWeld from HotBox.
- Added support for UnwrapUVW to Loop, Ring, Grow Selection, Shrink Selection, GrowLoop, GrowRing and ShrinkLoop.
- Added Set Object Height Ratio that will scale the length and width so it maintains the size ratio.
- Added Drag, Extend, Optimize, StepBuild, Topology and Strips to quickTopo.
- Fixed bugs, code cleanup (6k+ lines removed) and rewrites.
- ! Removed Noise Tool and Smooth Tool.
3.2 (1515)
- Added quickTopo for quick retopology.
- Added WorkingPivot Tool.
- Added Weld 2 Last, Move 2 Grid, Drop on Grid and Move On Grid.
- Added Smart Transform Toggles where you double tap to change the coordinate sys.
- Added ActiveGrid like the WorkPlane inside Modo.
- Added the ability to customise the HotBox.
- Added planarLoop for X and Z to GetSetPointPos.
- Improved the Slide (also now the +ctrl is for sliding partial loops).
- Improved SmartQuads, also added Quads Extend.
- Improved AutoConnectBridge, it can be used to quad cap much faster now.
- Improved ChamferOp, also added parallel and flat quad chamfer modes.
- Improved Mirror X Y Z, also added new options.
- Improved CenterPivot to work with subObjSelection for splines, EditPoly and EditablePoly/Mesh.
- Improved Set Object Scale and Set Object Height to work with multiple objects selected.
- Improved the Materials, now they are reused instead of making new ones.
- Improved ExpertMode, also added UVW Edit Mode and ToggleEdgeSelected.
- You can double tap the SubLevelShortcuts to return to level 0 if keyboardShortcutOverwrite off.
- If you quickly double tap toggleEndResult it will toggle Show Cage.
- Various Fixes, Changes and Improvements...
3.1 (1444)
- Added: Auto Connect Bridge.
- Added: SmartQuads.
- Various interface changes.
- Usability and Speed improvements.
- Minor fixes and 3ds max 2014 support.
3 (1425)
- Changed install path to userscripts.
- Speed improvements.
- IsolationMode now hides helpers.
- Added TimeSlider tool, see ViewportTools or macros.
3 (1406)
- New interface.
- New dialogs.
- Added gridDeform.
- Added Align/Scale/Rotate that contains 'Move to Point', 'Points Aling', 'Set Object Scale', 'Set Object Height'and 'Rotate Around Point'.
- Added Brushes (standard, move, smudge, inflate, pinch, relax, noise).
- Added to Similar select instances if SubObjectLevel = 0.
- Added Silhouette View. (::RappaTools3.SilhouetteView())
- Added 'SplineRefine' to Verts Tool.
- Spline Bridge update.
3 (1358)
- ChamferOp with "Uniform Mitering", QuadChamfer and UnChamfer.
- More MacroScripts...
- RightClick menu to +Save and Adjacent.
- Isolation Mode.
- Improved GeoPolygon the outline feature.
- QuadMenu.